Fixed Income


iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr UCITS ETF


Important Information: Capital at Risk. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and are not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the amount originally invested.

Important Information:The value of your investment and the income from it will vary and your initial investment amount cannot be guaranteed. The Fund invests in fixed interest securities such as corporate or government bonds which pay a fixed or variable rate of interest. Therefore the value of these securities are sensitive to movements in interest rates; typically when interest rates rise there is a corresponding decline in the market value of bonds. Fixed income securities issued by governments can be affected by the perceived stability of the country concerned and proposed or actual credit rating downgrades.

Important Notice Regarding Change in Benchmark Index – Please note that with effect from Thursday, 26 May 2016, the benchmark index tracked by the iShares $ Treasury Bond 20+yr UCITS ETF (the “Fund”) (ticker symbol: IDTL) will change to the ICE U.S. Treasury 20+ Years Bond Index from the Barclays US 20+ year Treasury Bond Index and the Fund’s investment objective and policy will also change to reflect the new benchmark index. For further information please refer to the fund announcement in the 'Document Library’ section on or contact your local iShares team.

All currency hedged share classes of this fund use derivatives to hedge currency risk. The use of derivatives for a share class could pose a potential risk of contagion (also known as spill-over) to other share classes in the fund. The fund’s management company will ensure appropriate procedures are in place to minimise contagion risk to other share class. Using the drop down box directly below the name of the fund, you can view a list of all share classes in the fund – currency hedged share classes are indicated by the word “Hedged” in the name of the share class. In addition, a full list of all currency hedged share classes is available on request from the fund’s management company




This product does not have any distributions data as of now.
This chart has been left intentionally blank as there is less than one year's performance data.
Returns not available as there is less than one year’s performance data.
Returns not available as there is less than one year’s performance data.
Returns not available as there is less than one year’s performance data.
Past performance is not a guide to future performance and should not be the sole factor of consideration when selecting a product. The value of the investments may go up or down and the investor may not get back the amount invested.

Performance data is based on the net asset value (NAV) of the ETF which may not be the same as the market price of the ETF. Individual shareholders may realise returns that are different to the NAV performance.

Source: BlackRock. Performance data is displayed on a Net Asset Value basis, in Base Currency terms (as shown in Key Facts), with net income reinvested, net of fees. Brokerage or transaction fees will apply.

Prior to 26 May 2016 the Fund used a different benchmark which is reflected in the benchmark data.

Key Facts

Key Facts

Net Assets
as of 21/Oct/2024
AUD 1’493’124
Share Class launch date
Share Class Currency
Asset Class
Fixed Income
SFDR Classification
Total Expense Ratio
Distribution Frequency
Securities Lending Return
as of 30/Jun/2024
0.08 %
Product Structure
Issuing Company
iShares IV plc
State Street Fund Services (Ireland) Limited
Fiscal Year End
31 May
Net Assets of Fund
as of 21/Oct/2024
USD 6’803’405’024
Fund Launch Date
Fund Base Currency
Benchmark Index
ICE U.S. Treasury 20+ Years Bond Index
Shares Outstanding
as of 21/Oct/2024
Use of Income
Rebalance Frequency
UCITS Compliant
Fund Manager
BlackRock Asset Management Ireland Limited
State Street Custodial Services (Ireland) Limited
Bloomberg Ticker

Portfolio Characteristics

Portfolio Characteristics

Number of Holdings
as of 18/Oct/2024
Benchmark Ticker
Standard Deviation (3y)
as of -
Weighted Av YTM
as of 18/Oct/2024
Weighted Avg Maturity
as of 18/Oct/2024
26.08 yrs
Benchmark Level
as of 21/Oct/2024
USD 95.57
12 Month Trailing Dividend Distribution Yield
as of -
3y Beta
as of -
Weighted Avg Coupon
as of 18/Oct/2024
Effective Duration
as of 18/Oct/2024

Sustainability Characteristics

Sustainability Characteristics

Sustainability Characteristics provide investors with specific non-traditional metrics. Alongside other metrics and information, these enable investors to evaluate funds on certain environmental, social and governance characteristics. Sustainability Characteristics do not provide an indication of current or future performance nor do they represent the potential risk and reward profile of a fund. They are provided for transparency and for information purposes only. Sustainability Characteristics should not be considered solely or in isolation, but instead are one type of information that investors may wish to consider when assessing a fund.

The metrics are not indicative of how or whether ESG factors will be integrated into a fund. Unless otherwise stated in fund documentation and included within a fund’s investment objective, the metrics do not change a fund’s investment objective or constrain the fund’s investable universe, and there is no indication that an ESG or Impact focused investment strategy or exclusionary screens will be adopted by a fund. For more information regarding a fund's investment strategy, please see the fund's prospectus.

Review the MSCI methodologies behind Sustainability Characteristics using the links below.

MSCI ESG Fund Rating (AAA-CCC)
as of 21/Sept/2024
MSCI ESG Quality Score (0-10)
as of 21/Sept/2024
Fund Lipper Global Classification
as of -
MSCI Weighted Average Carbon Intensity (Tons CO2E/$M SALES)
as of 21/Sept/2024
MSCI ESG % Coverage
as of 21/Sept/2024
MSCI ESG Quality Score - Peer Percentile
as of -
Funds in Peer Group
as of -
MSCI Weighted Average Carbon Intensity % Coverage
as of 21/Sept/2024
All data is from MSCI ESG Fund Ratings as of 21/Sept/2024, based on holdings as of 31/Aug/2024. As such, the fund’s sustainable characteristics may differ from MSCI ESG Fund Ratings from time to time.

To be included in MSCI ESG Fund Ratings, 65% (or 50% for bond funds and money market funds) of the fund’s gross weight must come from securities with ESG coverage by MSCI ESG Research (certain cash positions and other asset types deemed not relevant for ESG analysis by MSCI are removed prior to calculating a fund’s gross weight; the absolute values of short positions are included but treated as uncovered), the fund’s holdings date must be less than one year old, and the fund must have at least ten securities.


Registered Locations

Registered Locations

  • Ireland

  • Netherlands

  • Saudi Arabia

  • Switzerland

  • United Arab Emirates



as of 18/Oct/2024
Issuer Weight (%)
Issuer Ticker Name Sector Asset Class Market Value Weight (%) Notional Value Nominal Par Value ISIN Price Location Exchange Duration Maturity Coupon (%) Market Currency Effective Date
Detailed Holdings and Analytics contains detailed portfolio holdings information and select analytics.

Exposure Breakdowns

Exposure Breakdowns

as of 18/Oct/2024

% of Market Value

Type Fund
as of 18/Oct/2024

% of Market Value

Type Fund
as of 18/Oct/2024

% of Market Value

Type Fund
as of 18/Oct/2024

% of Market Value

Type Fund
Credit quality ratings on underlying securities of the fund are received from S&P, Moody’s and Fitch and converted to the equivalent S&P major rating category. This breakdown is provided by BlackRock and takes the median rating of the three agencies when all three agencies rate a security the lower of the two ratings if only two agencies rate a security and one rating if that is all that is provided. Unrated securities do not necessarily indicate low quality. Below investment-grade is represented by a rating of BB and below. Ratings and portfolio credit quality may change over time.

Allocations are subject to change.

Securities Lending

Securities Lending

Securities lending is an established and well regulated activity in the investment management industry. It involves the transfer of securities (such as shares or bonds) from a Lender (in this case, the iShares fund) to a third-party (the Borrower). The Borrower will give the Lender collateral (the Borrower’s pledge) in the form of shares, bonds or cash, and will also pay the Lender a fee. This fee provides additional income for the fund and thus can help to reduce the total cost of ownership of an ETF.


At BlackRock, securities lending is a core investment management function with dedicated trading, research and technology capabilities. The lending programme is designed to deliver superior absolute returns to clients, whilst maintaining a low risk profile. Funds participating in securities lending retain 62.5% of the income, while BlackRock receives 37.5% of the income and covers all the operational costs resulting from securities lending transactions.

Lending Summary not available as there is less than one year's performance data
The above table summarises the lending data available for the fund.

The information in the Lending Summary table will not be displayed for the funds that have participated in securities lending for less than 12 months. The figures shown relate to past performance. Past performance is not a reliable indication of current or future results.
BlackRock’s policy is to disclose performance information quarterly subject to a one-month delay. This means that returns from 01/01/2019 to 31/12/2019 can be publicly disclosed from 01/02/2020.

Maximum on-loan figure may increase or decrease over time.

With securities lending there is a risk of loss should the borrower default before the securities are returned, and due to market movements, the value of collateral held has fallen and/or the value of the securities on loan has risen.
as of 18/Oct/2024
Ticker Name Asset Class Weight % ISIN SEDOL Exchange Location
Collateral Holdings shown on this page are provided on days where the fund participating in securities lending had an open loan.

The information in the Collateral Holdings table relates to securities obtained in the collateral basket under the securities lending programme for the fund in question. The information contained in this material is derived from proprietary and non-proprietary sources deemed by BlackRock to be reliable, is not necessarily all inclusive and is not guaranteed as to accuracy. Reliance upon information in this material is at the sole discretion of the reader. The primary risk in securities lending is that a borrower will default on their commitment to return lent securities while the value of the liquidated collateral does not exceed the cost of repurchasing the securities and the fund suffers a loss in respect of the short-fall.
The below table shows the Loan/Collateral Combinations and Collateral Levels for our European Lending funds.
Collateral Types
Loan Type Equities Government, Supranational and Agency Bonds Cash (Not for Reinvestment)
Equities 105%-112% 105%-106% 105%-108%
Government Bonds 110%-112% 102.5%-106% 102.5%-105%
Corporate Bonds 110%-112% 104%-106% 103.5%-105%

We also accept selected physically replicating Equity, Government Bond, Credit and Commodity ETFs as collateral.

Collateral parameters depend on the collateral and the loan combination, and the over collateralisation level may range from 102.5% to 112%. In this context, “Over Collateralisation” means that the aggregate market value of collateral taken will exceed the overall on-loan value. Collateral parameters are reviewed on an ongoing bases and are subject to change.
With securities lending there is a risk of loss should the borrower default before the securities are returned, and due to market movements, the value of collateral held has fallen and/or the value of the securities on loan has risen.



Exchange Ticker Currency Listing Date SEDOL Bloomberg Ticker RIC WKN
Cboe Europe IDTHX AUD 28/Jun/2024 BS458C4 IDTHX I2 IDTHX.DXE A40DM5 

PRIIPs Performance Scenarios

PRIIPs Performance Scenarios

The EU Packaged Retail and Insurance-Based Products Regulation (PRIIPs) prescribes the calculation methodology, and publication of the outcomes, of four hypothetical performance scenarios regarding how the product may perform under certain conditions and for such to be published on a monthly basis. The figures shown include all the costs of the product itself, but may not include all the costs that you pay to your advisor or distributor. The figures do not take into account your personal tax situation, which may also affect how much you get back. What you will get from this product depends on future market performance. Market developments in the future are uncertain and cannot be accurately predicted. The unfavourable, moderate, and favourable scenarios shown are illustrations using the worst, average, and best performance of the product, which may include input from benchmark(s) / proxy, over the last ten years.
Recommended holding period : 3 years
Example Investment AUD 15’000
If you exit after 1 year
If you exit after 3 years


There is no minimum guaranteed return. You could lose some or all of your investment.


What you might get back after costs
Average return each year
9’270 AUD
8’210 AUD


What you might get back after costs
Average return each year
9’940 AUD
8’440 AUD


What you might get back after costs
Average return each year
14’740 AUD
15’640 AUD


What you might get back after costs
Average return each year
20’790 AUD
22’250 AUD

The stress scenario shows what you might get back in extreme market circumstances.

