Important notes

The correlation tool (the “tool”) is designed to help financial professionals and institutional investors evaluate correlation and common holdings of iShares ETFs in relation to the user-entered stock, or fund. The stocks and funds available for a user to enter in the tool are limited to publicly traded companies on US stock exchanges and US-domiciled ETFs, open-end mutual funds, and underlying investment options within variable annuities, respectively. As many factors could influence a decision about which fund is best suited for a given investment scenario, this information should not be relied upon exclusively when evaluating various investment options. This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide a comprehensive analysis between the user-entered stock or fund and the iShares ETFs. This information should not be relied upon as research, investment advice, or a recommendation regarding any products, strategies, or any security in particular.

To better understand the similarities and differences between investments, including investment objectives, risks, fees and expenses, read each product's respective prospectus, as applicable. There may be structural and regulatory differences between the products that may be relevant to a given investment scenario.