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The Representative of the foreign authorized funds in Switzerland within the meaning of Article 120 and 123 et seq CISA is BlackRock Asset Management Switzerland Limited, Bahnhofstrasse 39, CH-8001 Zurich. The Paying Agent of the foreign authorized funds in Switzerland within the meaning of Article 121 CISA is State Street Bank International GmbH, Munich, Zurich Branch, Beethovenstrasse 19, CH-8002 Zurich. The prospectus, the key information document or equivalent, the Articles of Association and, if applicable, the annual as well as the semi-annual reports of the foreign authorized funds are available free of charge from the representative in Switzerland.

The Management Company of the Swiss domiciled iShares Funds and BlackRock Investment Funds Switzerland is BlackRock Asset Management Switzerland Limited, Bahnhofstrasse 39, CH-8001 Zurich. The prospectus including the integrated fund contract, the key information document or equivalent, and, if applicable, the annual as well as the semi-annual reports of the Swiss domiciled iShares Funds and BlackRock Investment Funds Switzerland are available free of charge from the Management Company in Switzerland.

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